所谓的balance transfer,就是把欠A银行的卡债转另一家银行。
为了商业生意竞争,通常所有银行都会有提供大致相同的balance transfer配套。
Plan A可享有0%,不过条件是必须分6个月内还清。
Balance transfer绝对能够减轻卡息,让你提早还清卡债,前提就是你必须马上自律处理花费,要不然多好的0%配套也于事无补!
tips* 如果你在6个月后无法还清,剩下的balance会被charges 18% 年利息。不过,你可以选择再把balance转去别家银行利息比较低的balance transfer (如果有0%)的就更好。
你必须注意的Term & Condition
8. Subject to the available credit line in the Cardmember’s Credit Card account(s), the Cardmember must transfer a minimum of RM500 for a 6-month instalment plan, a minimum of RM1,000 for a 12-month instalment plan, or a minimum of RM2,000 for a 24-month instalment plan. All transfer amounts are up to a maximum of 80% of the total available credit limit.
10. The repayment quantum will be 6, 12 & 24 equal monthly instalments.
以歪歪的读解为借贷RM800,拿6个月0%配套,RM 800/6 = RM133.33 (每月需要给的montly installment payment)
11. The Cardmember will have to make full payment for the monthly instalment amount debited to the PB Credit Card account.
就如歪歪之前第8项的解释, full payment of the monthly installment = RM 133.33 (这点非常重要,歪歪发现很多人没有去注意)
If the minimum payment is not paid by the Due Date, the standard late charges of 1.0% of the total outstanding balance as at statement date or a minimum of RM5, whichever is higher(capped to a maximum of RM50) will be chargeable on the unpaid minimum payment. Payment received will be allocated to pay off Balance Transfer transactions in accordance to the transaction date, i.e. the earlier transfer will be paid off first.
这个所谓的minimum payment,就是最少要还的限额,也就是最少RM50或total outstanding的5%。
RM133.33 的5%为RM6.67,所以需要给的minimum payment 为RM50
这所谓的minimun payment是银行的赚钱方法之一。只要顾客没有给足minimum payment,或是迟过due date还钱,除了RM133.33会中1.5%信用卡的利息外,还有个late charges的惩罚。
late charges - 最低RM5,最多RM50。
而这RM133.33的late charges 就是RM133.33 *1% = RM1.33, 因为最低为RM5,所以下个月的账单你会看到的late charges 为RM5.00。
还有,当你接到账单,没有给RM133.33基本应该要给的钱,选择给minimum payment, 那么下一个月的账单,将会出现利息。
dute date 20th Oct
payment 25th Oct - RM 50
20th - 25th Oct
RM133.33 *(1.5%/30天)*5天
25th- 31th Oct
(RM133.33-RM50) * (1.5%/30天)* 5天
1th- 19th Nov
(RM133.33-RM50) * (1.5%/30天)* 19天
15. Early Settlement Fee of RM100 will be charged if Cardmember terminate or discontinue the programme by making full payment for the Approved Balance or such outstanding thereof prior to the expiry date of the credit scheme duration.
提早还清,会有 Early Settlement Fee of RM100。
当你是个不能准时还钱的人,不管你欠的是信用卡,或是已经由信用卡债务转去利息较低的balance transfer, 只要你不能准时还钱,接下来就是必须面对很多利息和罚款。
过去的工作,歪歪接触了很多欠卡债顾客,甚至还可以一个人同时间拥有十多个balance transfer户口。
不管是欠信用卡的,还是做了balance transfer的,必须要知道这两个银行产品除了利息,late charges外,当你连续几期连minimum payment也还不出,就连银行发给顾客的律师信RM50(过期还Astro账单,Astro也一样送你这大礼)也是算在欠债人的头上时。
PB Balance Transfer XII Zero Interest For 6-Month
卡奴需了解之信用卡利息 - Credit Card Interest
卡奴需了解之利息 - Credit Card Retail Interest Rate Calculation
如何减轻卡债利息 - Credit Card : Balance Transfer
1 July -Credit Card Charges: 大马信用卡持有人需知
RM1500不适合申请信用卡 (-) - Credit Card
RM1500不适合申请信用卡( 二) - Credit Card
谢谢你阅读这篇文章,请帮忙使用以下的“分享”链接做个推 介。 谢谢!
Hi YY,
回复删除I never have outstanding credit card bill.
As you showed, if I take RM800 loan, and pay promptly (must I pay on that day, or can I pay a few weeks or days earlier to avoid if I forget about payment), then the bank would not earn anything from me?
I thought the bank would have some penalty for early settlement (not sure if there is penalty for early payment).
Just wonder how can bank earn money. May be Stenny can give us some idea also. He is quite good is squeezing the credit card to save money:-)
Giap Seng
而当中也不排除真的有顾客不会看那minimun payment,而把minimum payment 当installment payment还,而中利息,之后会看账单的就会找银行询问了解,不会看账单的就继续成为银行的米饭班主。
山芭佬是以 balance transfer准时还清信用卡债务,而且还学聪明,懂得以信用卡的来赚钱。
现在不是有信用卡是有不错的cash rebate,只要用一张卡付款,自然就能在一年内累计很多cash rebate.
这也就是为什么我们去low yat刷卡买电脑,会被要求自己给3%费用。
关于该balance transfer 的early settlement;
回复删除15. Early Settlement Fee of RM100 will be charged if Cardmember terminate or discontinue the programme by making full payment for the Approved
Balance or such outstanding thereof prior to the expiry date of the credit scheme duration.
hi yy
回复删除你之前是在bank industry做工的是吗??我想问一下..如果现在酱多bank都offer 0%的BT..那如果说我是100%有能力还的..可是我利用BT的0%便利拿银行的钱来转...请问是可行的吗??我的意思是说我刷cash advance然后在把这笔数目BT去pbb那我不是可以拥有6个月的0%cash advance便利吗??请问是这样的吗??希望你能回复.
cash advance fees, 也就是每次最少RM15或0.5% *你所按的钱.
除了这cash advance fees 外,当你一按钱,银行开始就charges cash interest 1.5% monthly。
而当你申请被家银行的BT0%时,从申请开始等批准,幸运的话,两个星期就有钱进入你做CASH ADVANCE的银行户口。
而你所做CASH ADVANCE的户口的利息还是一直开始在跑。
很多用credit card按现金出来的卡主,好像很有钱似的,可以一拿到卡后,把信用卡当ATM提款卡,一天分几次,按出一百,五十来花。
回复删除cash advance fees是每按一次就charges一次的。