

Yes 4G - 只适合月用RM30以上的消费者


2) just check with your site, it show;

All you need to get started with Yes is a one-time activation fee of RM50 and a minimum credit purchase of RM10. After that, just maintain a monthly usage of RM 30 and you’re all set to experience the fastest 4G mobile Internet with voice!

a) may i know what means on maintain RM30 every months?
b) is it i must reload RM 30 for every to maintain Yes account?
c) let say if i use RM 10 only by this months, then what happen on my account?


Thank you for contacting YesCare.
Regarding your enquiry,you are required to maintain usage of Rm 30 a month to avoid any disruptions in your account.

If you reload Rm50 and use only Rm30, the balance Rm20 will be carried forward to the following month, if you use less than Rm30 than you will not be able to carry forward the balance to the following month. If you use Rm10 only and you have a balance of Rm40, it will be forfeited and not carried forward.

Please do not hesitate to contact us again if you have any further inquiries.

Always at your service,
Customer Advocate

- 代表每个月必须最少是用RM30,不然户口会被中断。

因此,如果你平均每个月花在网络+手机费用不超过RM30,那么你是绝对不适合say Yes。

,但试问通常一个有上网习惯,特别是有用着i phone的消费者,加上有经常播电话和传送短消息习惯的人,一个月花在电话费+网络费会否不超过RM30呢?


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